Here is a bit of news: “Yahoo, 20 March 2009, which I shall comment and comment only, reserving my own opinion. Again, I am neither justifying the action nor condemning it! I am not going to elaborate the matter in fine detail, because it would be letting the cat out of the bag, i.e. revealing a modus operandi that is regarded top secret revealed to the most eminent people only. However, I do organize seminars where selected people can learn the intrinsic working of the mechanisms.
WASHINGTON – Denouncing a "squandering of the people's money," lawmakers voted decisively Thursday to impose a 90 percent tax on millions of dollars in employee bonuses paid by troubled insurance giant AIG and other bailed-out companies. The House vote was 328-93. Similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate and President Barack Obama quickly signaled general support for the concept.
And so on, the news item is full of praise for the action of the Senate. They made me really laugh, simply because they do not know what they actually did. I am pretty sure that some of the lawmakers in the Senate of the United States of America know exactly where their country did come to, due to laws that were gradually introduced into their society and cannot be changed over night, i.e. that by mixing the national and corporate principles on de facto basis, their lawful basis has been undermined and rendered not only obsolete, but invalid, i.e. illegal. Everybody knows that US is ruled by corporations, not by people; what they do not know is, by whom exactly, who rules these corporations. The paper takes everything and there are many who would not mind to sign a piece of paper and become CEO or company director.
If a company would show any of its real business to outsiders, including government of the country or the lawmakers or anyone else … than that company would be acting in a childish manner and regarded as kindergarten rather than the company; it would never reach adulthood and become big, let alone so big that is unable to fall. AIG was certainly not one of those kindergarten companies that anybody, including government of USA can check or control; it was bigger than the US government could manage or put checks on it. When AIG got into trouble, it was actually USA that found itself in trouble; AIG did not beg for assistance, but that was US government that rushed in to help, realizing that US is at stake. By imposing this punishment tax of 90% to AIG employees’ bonuses, the US government have actually shot their own leg, because, if for no other purpose, just to be consistent, everyone in the USA should be now taxed 90%; but there is more to it.
All US corporations, involved in the world wide plunder, had been doing the business for the United Stated of America and under physical protection of the USA; and the scope of the business is unthinkable for an ordinary mortal. AIG was destined to come into the hot water earlier or later, and for that reason AIG employed the top brains to work out strategies to finish the whole operation, and for that reason are those people being paid, not for some ordinary business, but to work out schemes that will also get them out of the hot water as well. Now, they are being betrayed and will not be inclined to work further on the scheme to bail the USA out of the mess (unless the government makes or has made secret arrangements with them); maybe US government has different agenda with drugs in Afghanistan, one cannot know for sure.
Bruno HRUST.
P.S.: Should you after this article feel inclined to donate some cash towards my work or to secure a place at private lesson, contact me for details at the above address.
WASHINGTON – Denouncing a "squandering of the people's money," lawmakers voted decisively Thursday to impose a 90 percent tax on millions of dollars in employee bonuses paid by troubled insurance giant AIG and other bailed-out companies. The House vote was 328-93. Similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate and President Barack Obama quickly signaled general support for the concept.
And so on, the news item is full of praise for the action of the Senate. They made me really laugh, simply because they do not know what they actually did. I am pretty sure that some of the lawmakers in the Senate of the United States of America know exactly where their country did come to, due to laws that were gradually introduced into their society and cannot be changed over night, i.e. that by mixing the national and corporate principles on de facto basis, their lawful basis has been undermined and rendered not only obsolete, but invalid, i.e. illegal. Everybody knows that US is ruled by corporations, not by people; what they do not know is, by whom exactly, who rules these corporations. The paper takes everything and there are many who would not mind to sign a piece of paper and become CEO or company director.
If a company would show any of its real business to outsiders, including government of the country or the lawmakers or anyone else … than that company would be acting in a childish manner and regarded as kindergarten rather than the company; it would never reach adulthood and become big, let alone so big that is unable to fall. AIG was certainly not one of those kindergarten companies that anybody, including government of USA can check or control; it was bigger than the US government could manage or put checks on it. When AIG got into trouble, it was actually USA that found itself in trouble; AIG did not beg for assistance, but that was US government that rushed in to help, realizing that US is at stake. By imposing this punishment tax of 90% to AIG employees’ bonuses, the US government have actually shot their own leg, because, if for no other purpose, just to be consistent, everyone in the USA should be now taxed 90%; but there is more to it.
All US corporations, involved in the world wide plunder, had been doing the business for the United Stated of America and under physical protection of the USA; and the scope of the business is unthinkable for an ordinary mortal. AIG was destined to come into the hot water earlier or later, and for that reason AIG employed the top brains to work out strategies to finish the whole operation, and for that reason are those people being paid, not for some ordinary business, but to work out schemes that will also get them out of the hot water as well. Now, they are being betrayed and will not be inclined to work further on the scheme to bail the USA out of the mess (unless the government makes or has made secret arrangements with them); maybe US government has different agenda with drugs in Afghanistan, one cannot know for sure.
Bruno HRUST.
P.S.: Should you after this article feel inclined to donate some cash towards my work or to secure a place at private lesson, contact me for details at the above address.
Added from "alt.a.a.politics" -- AIG
BHRUST wrote:> Here is a bit of news: "Yahoo, 20 March 2009, which I shall comment and> comment only, reserving my own opinion. Again, I am neither justifying the> action nor condemning it! I am not going to elaborate the matter in fine> detail, because it would be letting the cat out of the bag, i.e. revealing a> modus operandi that is regarded top secret revealed to the most eminent> people only. However, I do organize seminars where selected people can learn> the intrinsic working of the mechanisms.> > one: a comment IS an opinion, whether supported by fact or authors'rationale stemming from a mixture of his philosophy, politics andreaction to current events.second: my own comment is that yours does not go far enough- that AIG issymptomatic of, and a mere reflection of, what has happenned to the UScurrency in the span of decades, and what that means to the rest of theworld which lends and borrows from the US.When the US currency, which began as an asset- based currency, became acurrency pegged on debt, every dollar printed became an IOU cheque fromthe US Government- an IOU which the US never intends to repay!With this borrowed money which the US "Treasury" prints, the USGovernment generously lends to corporations, banks etc. which use it ascapital to lend or invest in other corporations, etc., so at the top youhave white collar executives who know that "money" has no value, andplay around with figures that have no real value except as an integer ona ledger or on software- literally they are just figures representingsums so large that no bank will ever actually see it.At the bottom you have the blue collar working joe who dumbly takes thedollar at face value, and all he knows is that his paycheque is buyingless than it used to (diminishing returns and all that).He thinks it has to do with taxation, not knowing about borrowedprinciple and interest rates, the effects on cogs (cost of goods sold)....the world economies, as long as they remain supporters of the US Dollar,will see a downward spiral. What is needed for the rest of the worldthen, is to cut their losses and recognise that the US will never repayits debts.Essentially this will mean that the US Nation becomes a mortgage, readyto be bought out by any nation with a strong enough economy to do so,thereby nullifying the US and its debts, and any promissary notes whichit printed (i.e. US currency)....and of course that would mean that thepeople of the US will have a new leader, and their old dollar will betraded only at its real value (a negative integer, i suspect) ratherthan its inflated value it does currently- effectively every former UScitizen will have a net worth of zero, rather than a negative sum(currently a person's net worth is calculated in terms of how many USDthe government owes that person- a sum which has no actual value,because their currency is pegged on debt).take me back to the old days of kings and queens, when all the moneythey had, was the gold in their coffers- and when it was spent, that wasit. No usury- and the Jewish practice of money lending was strictlyforbade in accordance with the Magna Carta.
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